CCE Committee
CCE Committee
| | | | | ——– | ——– | ——– | |HOD CCE (Covering) | Mr Nur Izhar Bin Sa’at | | |HOD EL | Miss Shynn Lim Shi Ying | | |Senior Teacher CCE (Covering)| Mdm Shuryani Bte Abdul Wahab | | |Specialised CCE Teacher | Mr Ler Jun Yi | | |Specialised CCE Teacher | Mr Mr Ng Teck Koon | | |Specialised CCE Teacher | Miss Teoh Mooi Hoon Clarice | | |Specialised CCE Teacher | Miss Choy Shu Wei Roxanne | | |Citizenship Education Coordinator | Mdm Linda Ng | | |Sexuality Education Coordinator|Mdm Norlinda Bte Omar||
At Jurong Secondary School, Character and Citizenship Education (CCE) is an integral part of our students’ holistic development. Our goal is to cultivate a “Champion Mindset” in all our students, enabling them to reach their full potential. We strive to nurture students of exceptional character, grounded in strong values, and with a genuine concern for their school and society. By doing so, we aim to develop the next generation of responsible and ethical leaders who will make a positive impact in their communities and beyond.
Our Student Development Framework
The school adopts a holistic approach to the development of our students by implementing a student development framework that integrates both the Curriculum and Co-curriculum. Our Co-Curriculum comprises Character and Citizenship Education (CCE) and other student development experiences (SDEs), including Enrichment, Learning for Life Programme, Education and Career guidance, Values in Action, Student Leadership, Co-curricular activities, and Citizenship Education. These programmes provide rich and authentic opportunities for CCE beyond the classroom.
With the school values and the MOE 21st Century Competencies in mind, our CCE programme enacts the five enablers of Positive TSR, Positive School Environment, Peer Support, Student Voice & Ownership And Professional Development effectively. Through our efforts, we strive to achieve the developmental outcomes for our students towards our school’s outcomes of Flexible Thinker, Confident Person, Persevering Learner, and Concerned Citizen.
Our CCE Curriculum Guiding Principles
Our approach to CCE centers around our students. We prioritise understanding their needs, interests, and aspirations and provide a range of learning opportunities that align with their Developmental Milestones. Our focus is on facilitating student engagement and voice and empowering them to find personal significance in their contributions to both the school and the community.
Our CCE approach is intentionally designed and carried out both in and beyond the classroom to ensure that learning is not left to chance. We clearly articulate the intended Learning Outcomes for our students and provide support for teachers to engage and effectively impact students in their learning.
CCE cannot be perceived in a silo or taught as a subject. Instead, the educational experience that we provide in our schools, for our students, needs to facilitate the development of character and citizenship dispositions, and social-emotional well-being, in a coherent way across the co-curriculum and the school environment. We leverage multiple touch-points, including students’ social interactions and daily challenges. Additionally, we enable our students to connect, transfer, and apply their learning across various learning experiences to ensure their overall development.
Our CCE Goals
JSS CCE Programme aims to develop in our students:
Good character
Have a sound moral compass and a strong sense of right and wrong, think critically and ethically, be discerning in judgment, take responsibility for choices and actions, be caring towards others and strive for excellence;
Resilience and social-emotional well-being
Have a balanced sense of self, form healthy relationships, be resilient when faced with challenges, find meaning in life, and have a sense of gratitude and appreciation;
Future readiness
Have a sense of purpose in life, develop the dispositions of adaptability and lifelong learning so as to be able to navigate education and career pathways purposefully and take on the challenges of the future, including the world of work and life; and
Active citizenship
Develop a strong national identity based on a sense of belonging to the nation, a sense of hope in themselves and the future, an awareness of the reality of Singapore’s vulnerabilities and constraints, and the will to act on improving the lives of others, building a future for our nation.
Our Special Programmes
Platforms | Programmes | ||
Character and Citizenship Education (CCE) | Level Assembly CCE Lessons Key Personnel’s Address Students’ Sharing Level Programme |
Learning for Life Programme | Sporty at Heart, Sporting in Mind Programme Cohort Camps Sports Carnival |
Education and Career guidance | CareerSeminar Educational and Career Talks Educational and Career Modules JSS ECG Morning Series Learning Journeys to Post-Secondary Education Institutions (PSEI) Applied Learning Modules |
Values in Action | Level based VIA Project COMpassion (Student initiated project) Direct School Admission (Service Leadership) |
Student Leadership | Student Leadership Modules Peer Support Leaders Training Class Monitor Workshop Student Leaders’ Camp |
Co-curricular activities | Uniformed Groups Performing Arts Groups Sports Teams Clubs & Societies |
Citizenship Education | NE Commemorative Events Cohort Learning Journeys NRIC Presentation Ceremony NS Men Engagement Overseas Schools Exchange Programme |